About Alvechurch Data

This page gives our address and history and describes our facilities and staff. It also leads to some notes about Alvechurch village and some necessary legal notes.


Mail PO Box 5235, Birmingham B48 7PQ, England
Phone +44 121 445 1300
Mobile 07850 274902
Email [email protected] uk


Alvechurch Data formed as a partnership in 1993 with offices at Bordesley Hall near Redditch but moved out in 1996 to the added security and convenience of a home base in the village of Alvechurch. In 2003 we grew into a limited company.

We began by concentrating on software development in FoxPro and moved into Access and then Visual Basic as these languages became available for database systems. Training work began when we were asked to show clients how to use the systems we had written for them.

Our clients range in size from a one man consultancy to multinationals. We both have backgrounds in engineering (HM Dockyards and EMI respectively) and much of our work is still done in this industry.


We have been writing FoxPro and Access databases for fifteen years. Databases are an unusual category of software in the fast-moving age of the Internet. The integrity of the data they hold is important and companies do not abandon database systems as often as they change their web site. Because of this long term commitment we keep various versions of the development environment available so that we can support databases that are still in use many years after they were originally written.

We are also committed to keeping up to date with the latest versions of the software. We have the new beta versions of FoxPro as soon as they are generally available and move them into production use as soon as is sensible.


Geoff Franklin is a mechanical engineer who moved into software development when computers replaced pen and ink chart recorders in power stations. He has degrees in Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, is a Member of the British Computer Society, a Chartered Information Systems Engineer, and a Microsoft Certified Professional. [Geoff Franklin]

[Glenda Franklin] Glenda Franklin, a mathematician turned bookkeeper, ran the administrative side of the business until her death from pneumonia and complications in 2006.

Hints & tips

The textbox class in Visual FoxPro 9 has a new Autocomplete property which shows the user the previous values that have been entered in that textbox.
Autocomplete in VFP 9

Your Access database will look more impressive if you add custom toolbars...
Custom toolbars

FoxPro has always had functions to read and write files at a low level...
Foxpro low level file functions

More pages of hints and tips for users of Microsoft FoxPro and Access databases.

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